To learn what constitutes a Reasonable Adjustment and when to apply for one, please read our policy which can be downloaded below.
To apply for an adjustment, please print, complete and return the attached form to arrive on or before the examination entry closing date for the exam session entered for.
ABE aims to respond to all requests within 10 working days. All relevant medical certification and college/employer certification must be attached to this form where appropriate. Attached documentation must be appropriate and detailed and confirm that an assessment would be affected by the condition.
Applications for Special Consideration must be submitted no later than 7 days after the examination. ABE will inform candidates on or before the day that results are released whether their request was successful.
Special Consideration is only granted when the candidate can demonstrate that there were exceptional circumstances that affected their ability to perform to the best of their ability during the examination. For further information please read the policy below.
All relevant medical certification and college/employer certification must be sent along with this form where appropriate. Evidence must be relevant and detailed and confirm that your ability to perform to the best of your abilities during the assessment would be affected by the exceptional circumstances detailed.