Intermediate Accounting


To understand the concepts and principles and have an appreciation and working knowledge of both financial & cost accounting.


To understand the concepts and principles and have an appreciation and working knowledge of both financial & cost accounting.

Target Group: Accounts Clerk, Book Keepers

Course Content

MODULE 1 – Adjustments to Financial Statements

• Accruals & Prepayments and Other Adjustments for Financial Statements
• Bad Debts & Provisions for Doubtful Debts
• Depreciation of Fixed Asset: Nature & Calculations
• Capital Expenditure & Revenue Expenditure
• Errors not Affecting Trial Balance Agreement
• Suspense Accounts & Errors

MODULE 2 – Special Accounting Procedures

• Control Accounts
• Single Entry and Incomplete Records
• Receipts & Payments Accounts and Income & Expenditure Accounts
• Cash Flow Statement Analysis
• Further Analysis & Interpretation of Accounting Statements
• Advanced Break Even Analysis

MODULE 3 – Partnership Accounts & Company Accounts

• Partnership Accounts: an introduction
• Goodwill for Sole traders & Partnerships
• Revaluation of Partnership Assets
• Partnership dissolution
• An introduction to the Financial Statements of Limited Liability Companies
• Purchase of Existing Partnership & Sole Traders’ Businesses

MODULE 4 – Cost Accounting

• Cost Classification & Labour Costing
• Material Costing and Stock Valuation
• Overhead Absorption Costing – Further Considerations
• Job and Contract Costing
• Process Costing
• Absorption and Marginal Costing


class & home assignment on each topic, and a final examination

Additional information


50 hours

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